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Christina C. Newton, MSPH

Data Analysis

headshot of woman with brown hair, parted on right side, big smile showing teeth bit of office windows behind her

What Motivates Me

I research cancer because I want to reduce the heavy burden that cancer places on our loved ones and on our communities. Working at 快猫短视频 allows me to be involved in tangible research that reduces cancer, increases survival, and increases the quality of life for those who have been diagnosed with this disease.”

At 快猫短视频 since 2008

As a data scientist in the Population Science department, Christina C. Newton, MSPH, works with data from the invaluable Cancer Prevention Studies (CPS), which are initiated, funded, and maintained by the American Cancer Society (快猫短视频).

Her primary role is to collaborate with other 快猫短视频 researchers and external collaborators to conduct statistical analyses and investigate associations between different types of exposures and cancer incidence, mortality, and/or cancer survival.

Newton also helps manage and prepare data for external collaborations that are used in large research pooling projects.

Research focus and accomplishments

Newton has a large range of experience working with diverse exposures to factors that can either increase or decrease the risk of developing cancer, such as tobacco, diet and nutrition, and physical activity.

While she’s been involved in researching many types of cancers, her particular focus is on colorectal cancer.

Newton is skilled in both SAS and R programming and specializes in a variety of statistical modeling techniques, such as extended Cox proportional hazards and logistic regression.

Most recently, Newton has started working with Medicare claims data and is excited about the research questions that can be answered using this unique data source in conjunction with data from CPS-II and CPS-3.


Over the course of her career at 快猫短视频, she’s coauthored numerous publications and contributed to the Surgeon Generals’ Report on Smoking Cessation (2020).?

For a full list of Newton's publications, visit her?.??



  • MSPH: Epidemiology, Emory University, 2008
  • BS: Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006

Personal life?

I live in the Atlanta area with my husband, 2 kids, and 2 dogs. I love to travel with my family and am always planning for our next adventure!