In 2002 my doctor called and said that she wanted me to see a specialist
to conduct
another mammogram. It may seem strange but all I could think about was my older sister and that if someone had to have breast cancer it was best that it was me. My mother had breast cancer and my aunt died of breast cancer, so we always wondered which of us would get this disease.
My husband and kids were my support system because the rest of the family lived in Ohio. With faith in God, my biggest concern was that my children who were 14 and 11 not worry about me. After several procedures, there was an area that was not clear, so I either needed another procedure or a mastectomy. This would have been a hard decision if my aunt had not lost her battle because she put off having a mastectomy while my mother had a mastectomy at age 43 and is still alive today.
My biggest challenge was a post-surgical infection that almost cost me my life. I could not have gotten through that time without my husband nursing me back to health. He spent countless nights at the emergency room caring for me while working and taking care of our children. He was/is my hero. I have never been one to ask for help, and my church, friends, and co-workers graciously offered support without me asking. Another blessing was my trip to Detroit on the Delta Air Lines Pink Cancer Flight for survivors.
I wish this was the end of my story, but last year I had to have a hysterectomy on December 31, 2014; I had uterine cancer. I was told this June that all tests and x-rays were clear.
The cancer
had not spread so now I am back to check-ups every three months.
Please, if you feel things are not “right”, or if anyone you know seems to be having problems, go see a doctor.? It could save your life or theirs.